ICCROM Archives Access Procedures

• External researchers, who demonstrate a legitimate need, may consult ICCROM’s archival records. Researchers need to contact the Archivist in advance, indicating the nature of the records they wish to consult.
• Persons requesting access to restricted information (except for personnel files, which cannot be accessed before their disclosure period) must present credentials (purpose of research and letter of recommendation) that are sufficient to determine whether the person qualifies for the granting of access.
• Due to staff and space constraints (the Archives can only accommodate one user at a time), access is by appointment only from Monday to Friday between 10 am – 13 pm and 2 pm – 5 pm.
• Once at ICCROM, users must leave their briefcases and bags in the lockers at the security desk. Only writing instruments (pencils and laptops) are allowed in the Archive Research Room. Eating and drinking is not permitted.
• Users are required to sign a form, which includes data on the nature of their research, conditions for access and compliance with data protection.
• The Archives staff will respond to all research enquiries whether by email or telephone. They will not undertake detailed research on behalf of users except in exceptional circumstances.
• Non-confidential records (born-digital or already digitized) may be emailed to users upon request. Records will only be emailed to users for private research and non-commercial purposes.
• Users are allowed a maximum of three archival items at any one time.
• As writing instruments, only pencils are allowed. It is forbidden to write on records, to write on top of the records, to pile records on top of each other, to lean on records or to do anything which might damage the records.
• The original order of the records must be respected. Users must not rearrange any archives.
• If any damage is done to or found on the records, the Archivist should be informed immediately.
• While handling photographic or fragile material, researchers must wear cotton gloves.
• Copying records older than 20 years is allowed for private study and non-commercial research and upon having obtained the Archivist’s permission.
• Records that are less than 20 years old, and confidential records that have not been disclosed, cannot be reproduced, even though access has been granted.
• Photocopies of original documents may only be undertaken by the Archives staff. The Archives reserves the right to refuse any photocopying request if these materials are likely to be damaged or must be altered to make copying possible. This applies in particular to bound books and extremely fragile material.
• Digital photography is permitted. Scanning with portable devices is not allowed.
• Requests for copying or duplicating photographs must be entered on the Archives request form for reproduction of image.
• Permission to consult or make research copies of archival documents does not grant or imply permission to publish this material or to provide copies to others.
• Requests to publish copies of the records must be referred to the Archivist.
• When information or text derived from the holdings of ICCROM Archives is published or cited in publications, users are requested to use the following form of acknowledgment: “With permission of ICCROM Archives”. Identification of the item/file/series/record group should also be included.
• For publishing images, ICCROM policy on reproduction of images will apply.
• Researchers are required to deposit with the Archives one copy of any text that, in whole or in part, is based on or relates to material made available from the ICCROM Archives.
• Although ICCROM records are open to the public for research, users must behave with respect towards the information found in the archives.
• Users should ensure respect of individuals’ dignity and privacy whenever they process personal data. They should use the personal data for the purpose of their own research and shall be responsible for keeping the information confidential to third parties.
• Users should ensure that results of their research are not made available in a form that will identify any data subject without appropriate authorization or consent.