ICCROM Archives Access Rules

The rules governing access to records in ICCROM Archives are as follows:
• ICCROM records are open and publicly accessible when 20 years have passed from their creation date, and no restrictions are applied to them.
• Access to records which are less than 20 years old may be granted if the prior agreement of the relevant Unit of the Secretariat (Director General or Unit Manager) has been obtained.
Restrictions on access apply when records disclosure could be prejudicial to the interests of ICCROM, may harm an individual's privacy rights or the rights of donors of private materials as stated in donation agreements. The following records are then considered confidential:
• Sensitive information on relations between ICCROM and its Member States and partners, such as information or knowledge that might adversely affect trade secrets of a business (including industrial, commercial and research secrets) or even the security, internal and foreign affairs of a State.
• Confidential financial information, such as information prepared or obtained for the regulation and supervision of finances, or information obtained from an external source with an expressed understanding of confidentiality.
• Information regarding confidential decision-making, such as materials given in confidence in the period before a determination was made, including but not limited to advice by legal representatives, auditors/accountants and advisers.
• Information related to claims and legal cases.
• Information regarding personnel matters, including recruitment, employment, staff files or records which, if divulged, might injure the reputation and affect the privacy of a living person.
The rules governing restrictions are as follows:
• Confidential records are accessible after 50 years have passed from their creation date, except for personnel files, which are open for consultation after 50 years, the number of years being counted from the last item included in the file.
• Confidential records, except for personnel files, may be open to users who submit adequate credentials, before their disclosure period at discretion of the Director-General and upon advice of the Archivist. The granting of access would in no way be detrimental to the interests of ICCROM.
ICCROM retains ownership and intellectual property rights of records in the ICCROM Archives. There may be exceptions in which copyright or other rights belong to third parties. In the case that ICCROM does not hold the copyright of a record, access will be conditioned to the authorization of the copyright-holder.