ICCROM Archives
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Documentation, Information and Communication

Type Section
Date 1950-2015

Genre - Form



This section contains the records produced in their daily work by the following ICCROM Departments: Library, Records and Archives, Data Management, and Communications.

In the case of the Library, the series is composed of records related to the Library creation, as well as management matters, such as accession registers, list of acquisitions, activity reports, etc. It also contains several collections of photographs, audiotapes, videotapes, motion picture films, microfilms and microfiches. Particularly, the photographs, which are organized by type of materials: slides, photographic prints and negatives, were collected from ICCROM staff and through donations since the 1960s. These photographs mostly depict ICCROM activities. At the beginning of 2000s, when the ICCROM Archives was created, these photographic collections came under the responsibility of the Archives, as more photographic collections generated by ICCROM programmes and projects were held by the Archives.

Among the records generated by Communications, one can find promotional materials (leaflets, posters, panels, etc.), as well as press releases, newsletters, publications, photos or video recordings, conceived and used for showcasing all kind of activities, from programmes and projects to conferences and assemblies, from the website to specific technical conservation literature. Particularly interesting is the subseries dedicated to publications edited by ICCROM, which includes the preparatory work for the writing of books such as La conservation des peintures murals by Paolo Mora, Laura Mora, Paul Philippot, 1977; or Porous Building Materials. Materials Science for Architectural Conservation, by Giorgio Torraca, 1981 and even unpublished books.


Records are available for consultation when 20 years have passed from their creation date, and no restrictions are applied to them. For a full explanation of our access policy, please refer to ICCROM Records and Archives Access Rules and Procedures, available in the frontpage of this website.

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